Rosary Introduction
The rosary (from Latin rosarium, "rose garden") is a religious exercise
where a defined number of prayers are recited and a string of beads (a chaplet,
often called a rosary) is used to keep count.
Christian monks started the Christian practice in the third century. The modern
Roman Catholic rosary's origin is most often associated with St. Dominic, founder
of the Dominican order in the early 13th century. According to the Encyclopedia
Britannica, "it reached its definitive form in the 15th century through
the preaching of the Dominican Alan de la Roche and his associates, who organized
Rosary Confraternities at Douai in France and at Cologne. In 1520 Pope Leo X
gave the rosary official approbation." In October of 2002 Pope John Paul
II added an optional group of mysteries (Mysteries of the Light) to the Rosary
(see Rosarium Virginis Mariae).
But, what makes the rosary special? The Blessed Mary herself gave us the reasons
(as given to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan). Here are the fifteen promises of
Mary to Christians who recite the rosary.

- Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the rosary,
shall receive signal graces.
- I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those
who shall recite the rosary.
- The rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy
vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.
- It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for
souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the heart of men from
the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire
of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this
- The soul which recommend itself to me by the recitation of the rosary,
shall not perish.
- Whoever shall recite the rosary devoutly, applying himself to the
consideration of its sacred mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune.
God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided
death; if he be just he shall remain in the grace of God, and become
worthy of eternal life.
- Whoever shall have a true devotion for the rosary shall not die without
the sacraments of the Church.
- Those who are faithful to recite the rosary shall have during their
life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces;
at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints
in paradise.
- I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the
- The faithful children of the rosary shall merit a high degree of glory
in heaven.
- You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the rosary.
- All those who propagate the holy rosary shall be aided by me in their
- I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the rosary
shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their
life and at the hour of death.
- All who recite the rosary are my son, and brothers of my only son
Jesus Christ.
- Devotion of my rosary is a great sign of predestination.
If that does not convince you, here are a few more reasons to say a daily rosary.
- Our Lady has many titles. She selected this title at Fatima: "I
am the Lady of the Rosary."
- St. Francis de Sales said the greatest method of praying is: Pray
the Rosary.
- St. Thomas Aquinas preached 40 straight days in Rome Italy on just
the Hail Mary.
- St. John Vianney, patron of priests, was seldom seen without a rosary
in his hand.
- "The rosary is the scourge of the devil" -- Pope Adrian
- "The rosary is a treasure of graces" -- Pope Paul V
- Padra Pio the stigmatic priest said: "The Rosary is the weapon"
- Several popes wrote encyclicals
on the rosary.
- Pope John XXIII spoke 38 times about our Lady and the Rosary. He prayed
15 decades daily.
- St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort wrote: "The rosary is the
most powerful weapon to touch the Heart of Jesus, Our Redeemer, who
so loves His Mother."
- The rosary is the New Testament and Faith of the Church in miniature (per Joachim Cardinal Meisner):
- On the Cross we pray the Creed; our rule of faith.
- Three theological Virtues follow (Faith, Hope and Charity).
- The entire New Testament follows in sequence:
- Joyful Mysteries (The Annunciation,
The Visitation, The Birth of Our Lord, The Presentation of Our Lord, and The
Finding of Our Lord in the Temple).
- The Mysteries of Light (Christ's
Baptism in the Jordan River, Christ's First Miracle at Cana, Christ Preaching,
The Transfiguration, and Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper).
- Sorrowful Mysteries (The Agony
in the Garden, The Scourging at the Pillar, The Crowning with Thorns, The Carrying
of the Cross, and The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord).
- Glorious Mysteries (The Resurrection,
The Ascension, The Coming of the Holy Spirit, The Assumption of our Blessed
Mother into Heaven, and The Coronation of our Blessed Mother).
Finally, the prayer Memorare says it all...
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary that never was it known that anyone
who fled to Your protection, implored Your help, or sought Your intercession
was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, we fly to you, O Virgin of
virgins, our Mother. To You we come; before You we stand, sinful and sorrowful.
O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions, but in Your mercy,
hear and answer us. Amen.
Convinced? Then pray along with me...
Pray the Rosary
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see the More Information page. There, also
find links to our new rosary beads and
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pages appear in the PDF files as they change too often.)
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Tom Simondi, All Rights Reserved